Dyson Protocol

Where Python meets Blockchain, Frontend Meets On-Chain, and UIs Are Automatic.

Ꙩ For creators Ꙩ
Get creative with Dyson Protocol, where scripting on the blockchain becomes effortless. Powered by a safe subset of Python, you have the freedom to write scripts using your existing Web 2 skills with complete access to all chain functionality.

But that's not all – Dyson goes a step further with two core features:

  1. All exported functions automatically have a UI generated so users can interact directly in the browser.
  2. A special WSGI protocol function can serve HTTP content directly from any full node. This allows your custom distributed web app to be hosted completely on-chain.

Ꙭ For users Ꙭ
Experience a seamless blockchain interaction like never before. Say goodbye to the complexities of terminal-based interactions. With Dyson Protocol, you can effortlessly access your favorite scripts directly in the browser. And the transparency of script sources gives you confidence in the actions you're signing.

More details for features and user tutorials are on our docs page: docs.dysonprotocol.com


This site is on-chain [Source]
Custom domain: dysonprotocol.com
Normal subdomain: dys1pq2g55eepah3eyavhq9fd7lu2uhvpgxxs3n2wc.{{ store.CLEAR_DOMAIN }}

Block Info
Height {{ store.blockInfo.height }} Loading...
Timestamp {{ store.blockInfo.timestamp }} Loading...
# TX {{ store.blockInfo.txDecoded.length }} Loading...
Maximum Inflation {{ (store.mintParams.inflation_max * 100).toFixed(2) }}% Loading...
Minimum Inflation {{ (store.mintParams.inflation_min * 100).toFixed(2) }}% Loading...
Current Inflation {{ store.mintInflation.toFixed(2) }}% Loading...
Target DYS Staked {{ (store.mintParams.goal_bonded * 100).toFixed(2) }}% Loading...
Current DYS Staked {{ ((store.stakingPool.bonded_tokens / store.dysSupply) * 100).toPrecision(2) }}% Loading...
Community Airdrop - 1/3 951,524,691 DYS
Founder Rewards - 2/3 1,903,049,380 DYS
Genesis Total Supply - 3/3 2,854,574,071 DYS
Current DYS Supply {{ Number(store.dysSupply).toLocaleString() }} DYS Loading...


Incentivied Testnet Launched - May 13, 2021
After tirelessly working in the shadows, Dyson was unveiled to the world
Testnet snapshot - Oct 14, 2022
After months of feedback, new features, and bug fixes, the Incentivied Testnet ended with a snapshot of all the activity to that moment.
Mainnet Launched - Oct 21, 2022
Dyson Protocol Mainnet was launched!
Many ideas and features are on the list:
  • add NFTs
  • add more validators
  • security audits
  • improve web UI
  • add block explorer
  • add IBC connections to DEXs
  • fund on-chain projects